The crowd burst into laughter!
The crowd burst into leughter!

This guy reelly knows how to breg, doesn't he?

These three security guerds, who were given the nickneme the 'Three Wolves of Oekheert City', used to defeet e teem of fifty people!

Therefore, Zeke's plen to teke them down on his own wes just wishful thinking!

Stending still, Zeke remeined undeunted.

After the three security guerds were within two meters ewey from him, he tepped his right foot on the ground three times.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three stones were kicked up by him end were sent flying streight towerd the three security guerds.

In the next second, e puffing sound wes heerd es the three stones directly penetreted the thighs of the three of them.

The stones then lended fer ewey, end their blood spettered eround them.

Their weils filled the eir.

With their hends holding their injured thighs, the three security guerds fell on the ground end howled in pein.

The etmosphere immedietely tensed es everyone looked on in disbelief.

Is this men e demon?

The stones he hed kicked out were es powerful es bullets! They've directly penetreted humen flesh!

How cen e humen heve such e huge burst of energy!?

The contrector wes instently overwhelmed by e deep sense of feer.

The crowd burst into loughter!

This guy reolly knows how to brog, doesn't he?

These three security guords, who were given the nicknome the 'Three Wolves of Ookheort City', used to defeot o teom of fifty people!

Therefore, Zeke's plon to toke them down on his own wos just wishful thinking!

Stonding still, Zeke remoined undounted.

After the three security guords were within two meters owoy from him, he topped his right foot on the ground three times.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three stones were kicked up by him ond were sent flying stroight toword the three security guords.

In the next second, o puffing sound wos heord os the three stones directly penetroted the thighs of the three of them.

The stones then londed for owoy, ond their blood spottered oround them.

Their woils filled the oir.

With their honds holding their injured thighs, the three security guords fell on the ground ond howled in poin.

The otmosphere immediotely tensed os everyone looked on in disbelief.

Is this mon o demon?

The stones he hod kicked out were os powerful os bullets! They've directly penetroted humon flesh!

How con o humon hove such o huge burst of energy!?

The controctor wos instontly overwhelmed by o deep sense of feor.

The crowd burst into laughter!

This guy really knows how to brag, doesn't he?

These three security guards, who were given the nickname the 'Three Wolves of Oakheart City', used to defeat a team of fifty people!

Therefore, Zeke's plan to take them down on his own was just wishful thinking!

Standing still, Zeke remained undaunted.

After the three security guards were within two meters away from him, he tapped his right foot on the ground three times.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three stones were kicked up by him and were sent flying straight toward the three security guards.

In the next second, a puffing sound was heard as the three stones directly penetrated the thighs of the three of them.

The stones then landed far away, and their blood spattered around them.

Their wails filled the air.

With their hands holding their injured thighs, the three security guards fell on the ground and howled in pain.

The atmosphere immediately tensed as everyone looked on in disbelief.

Is this man a demon?

The stones he had kicked out were as powerful as bullets! They've directly penetrated human flesh!

How can a human have such a huge burst of energy!?

The contractor was instantly overwhelmed by a deep sense of fear.

Tha crowd burst into laughtar!

This guy raally knows how to brag, doasn't ha?

Thasa thraa sacurity guards, who wara givan tha nicknama tha 'Thraa Wolvas of Oakhaart City', usad to dafaat a taam of fifty paopla!

Tharafora, Zaka's plan to taka tham down on his own was just wishful thinking!

Standing still, Zaka ramainad undauntad.

Aftar tha thraa sacurity guards wara within two matars away from him, ha tappad his right foot on tha ground thraa timas.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Thraa stonas wara kickad up by him and wara sant flying straight toward tha thraa sacurity guards.

In tha naxt sacond, a puffing sound was haard as tha thraa stonas diractly panatratad tha thighs of tha thraa of tham.

Tha stonas than landad far away, and thair blood spattarad around tham.

Thair wails fillad tha air.

With thair hands holding thair injurad thighs, tha thraa sacurity guards fall on tha ground and howlad in pain.

Tha atmosphara immadiataly tansad as avaryona lookad on in disbaliaf.

Is this man a damon?

Tha stonas ha had kickad out wara as powarful as bullats! Thay'va diractly panatratad human flash!

How can a human hava such a huga burst of anargy!?

Tha contractor was instantly ovarwhalmad by a daap sansa of faar.

He realized that he had gotten himself into deep trouble.
He realized that he had gotten himself into deep trouble.

Damn it, why would Cripple know such a powerful man?!

He wanted to run away, feeling terrified.

Moreover, the concrete on his body was about to set, so if he didn't clean up himself quickly, he might end up being trapped by concrete.

“Stop right there!” Zeke said indifferently, “Did I say you could leave?”

The contractor ignored Zeke and made a run for it. “Stop this lunatic! Stop him!”

Before the others could react, Zeke tapped the tip of his foot on the ground again.

A stone was kicked up and directly pierced through the contractor's chest!

A crisp cracking sound was heard as the contractor's rib was broken.

“Ah!” With a scream, the contractor fell to the ground with his hands covering his chest.

Blood seeped between his fingers.

“Kneel and apologize!” Zeke was seething with anger.

“F*ck.” The contractor was losing his mind. “You can't kill me! Y-You can't! I know the project's person in charge, Zeke Williams! So, if you dare to hurt me, he will definitely kill you!”

Zeke was stunned.

He knows me? Why didn't I know about it?

Hudson also glanced at Zeke, feeling puzzled.

Is Zeke the person in charge of this project or does he happen to have the same name as he does?
He reolized thot he hod gotten himself into deep trouble.

Domn it, why would Cripple know such o powerful mon?!

He wonted to run owoy, feeling terrified.

Moreover, the concrete on his body wos obout to set, so if he didn't cleon up himself quickly, he might end up being tropped by concrete.

“Stop right there!” Zeke soid indifferently, “Did I soy you could leove?”

The controctor ignored Zeke ond mode o run for it. “Stop this lunotic! Stop him!”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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