Chapter 10

As autumn crept in, the days grew shorter and the nights longer.

When the car rolled into the driveway of the Ferguson Mansion, dusk had already wrapped its arms around the estate.

Colored lamps hung around the house, setting a festive mood that seemed out of a storybook.

I parked the car and stepped out with my bag, leaving the world behind me.

I had warned him over the phone, yet Timothy, stubborn as ever, was waiting in the yard.

for us.

Over the phone, I could hide my feelings, but in person, Timothy saw right through me. “Did that-rascal give you trouble again?” Timothy’s mustache twitched with concern, ready to jump to my defense.

“It’s nothing.” I didn’t want to get him worried, so I pulled him inside. “It’s chilly out here. Didn’t the breeze give you a headache?”

Though I tried to cover for Bryant, Timothy’s face darkened the moment he saw Bryant and Margaret step out of the car one after the other.

But with all family members there, Timothy held back his temper.

On the other hand, my father-in-law, Albert Ferguson, lit up seeing Margaret. “Bryant, I heard Margaret’s working at the company now. You better look after her. That’s only right by Teresa.”

could pretend not to hear that, focusing on my dinner.

said softly, “Yeah,


like Albert brought it up again out of concern that

responding, “Don’t worry. Margaret is my boss now. If anything, I need her to look

remark shifted the mood

you’re not happy, I can step down from my position anytime,” Margaret said,

her, I might have seemned

his cup down, upset, his words sharp.



Chapter 10

you think you’re entitled to it only because Bryant decided to play the hero?


can’t bear

say that Timothy never truly accepted Margaret. He had fiercely opposed Teresa’s entry into the family

had been out of Albert’s reach, with only a

she’s all alone in this… Why must you…” Albert started.

“Enough!” Timothy snapped.

wasn’t fond of Margaret, but it was the first time I’d seen him call

Margaret got up, flustered, “I shouldn’t have come today. I’m sorry for ruining the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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