Chapter 12

The one who owed an explanation was Bryant, and he knew it.

He broke away from Margaret and strode over to me, his voice a stark contrast to the sternness from moments ago, gentle yet absentminded. “Did you hear that?”

“Yeah.” I didn’t hide it.

Yet, he didn’t say much, taking a coat from the servant to drape over my shoulders and pulling me close as we headed inside. His demeanor was relaxed. “It’s chilly out. Let’s go


He acted like what I had just overheard was only an everyday chat.

“Bry.” Margaret’s insistent voice echoed again and again, “Bry!”

Bryant acted as if he hadn’t heard.

He seemed somewhat distracted for the rest of the evening, checking his phone frequently.

as nine o’clock rolled around, Timothy’s usual bedtime,

to act responsibly!” Timothy warned Bryant sternly as he walked us to the yard. “Be good to Jane. Don’t think you can push her around. because she doesn’t have

felt a lump form in

I won’t let anyone hurt

troubles you, come to me. I’ll take care of it.” Timothy patted my head affectionately.

visit soon. Please go rest.

in the passenger seat, fighting off sleep.

pregnancy or something else, drowsiness had become my constant companion. Yet, at that moment, sleep eluded me. My body was tired, but my mind was

still calm. “What exactly is the relationship

the one he loved but could never have?

that, Bryant slowed the car, replying calmly,



Chapter 12

by a sponge soaked in

began to surface. Bryant had been the golden boy of RiverCity University, my senior. With his handsome

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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