Chapter 16

When I first met Mark and Bryant, I thought they were much alike. Both had that calm, reserved, and steady vibe.

But boy, I was so wrong. Mark’s composure and gentleness came from deep within, but Bryant was a different story.

Take the present as an instance. Mark dropped a subject out of politeness, not wanting to pry into personal matters, while Bryant? He didn’t ask because he genuinely didn’t care. Bryant’s heart wasn’t in it.

We were at the party that lasted till nearly midnight, and Steven was already rallying us for round two


Knowing I was pregnant and shouldn’t be up late, Christine insisted on taking me home. That was when Steven suggested, “Let Mark drive her. He’s not much of a night owl, either.”

Christine agreed.

But I was worried about her and tried to refuse

“Come on, get in the car,” Christine said, reading my mind and nudging me toward Mark’s car with a meaningful look. “Don’t worry. I can handle myself. Men are like the fish in the sea, and I’m not about to start fishing. I want the whole ocean!” she declared with a laugh. I pinched her radiant cheek. “Fine, call me if you need anything.”

got into the

Peace Avenue. Is that

his phone. “Could you set up the navigation? I haven’t

took his phone.

never slept. Even at this hour, downtown was still brightly lit.

Mark always knew what to say to keep the conversation going.

made me ask, “Mark, how do you handle things when you hit a rough

brows slightly, stopping at a red light, and turned to me. “Don’t worry, there’s always a way.”

Chapter 16

I’d felt all night. About twenty minutes later, we pulled up


got out, “A little something for you. Hope

“Let me treat you to dinner

a deal.” He smiled softly and added, “Ensure you’re eating well.

think much of it. “Okay, I

inside, but he spoke first, “Go on. I’ll wait

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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