Chapter 37

What was that supposed to mean? He thought I cheated on him before we even split?

He was exactly that type of guy.

I couldn’t be bothered to explain, so I just said indifferently, “Just friends.”

“What friends?”

“Bryant,” I couldn’t help but smile softly, “Dead men don’t pry.”

If he wanted to be a ghost from my past, then he might as well vanish for good.

Bryant almost laughed out of irritation, his tongue clicking against his cheek in scorn, “Fine.”

When we got to the cemetery, I stepped out of the car and started climbing the steps up the hill.

Seeing he wasn’t following. I turned back to wait for him.

As I did, I noticed him carrying some flowers he must have prepared at some point, which caught me off guard.

I bit my lip, then said, “Thank you.”

“For what? It’s the least I could do,” he said flatly.

we walked side by

it was just for appearances, at least my parents would be at peace, knowing

with only a bit of dust on the

was strange. My parents had been gone for years, and I didn’t think

was a kid, crying into my

on the gravestone now tears just started falling uncontrollably.

and reserved, knelt

sorry it took me so long to bring Jane to

on the last one, murmured, “I was wrong before, and I’ll try to

rest of what he



Chapter 37

a future together anymore.

“Mom, Dad…”

things. I wanted to say were reduced to a simple, “I miss you


I never really had a home again. Marrying Bryant, I thought I’d finally

tears, overwhelmed with sadness, yet

I’m pregnant, two months now! In a few months, the

so happy, Mom,

but either way, you’ll be

have family again. I’ll take great care of my baby, just like you did for me, giving my baby all my love. I’ll bring my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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