Chapter 44

“My back is killing me…”

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she snuggled into Bryant’s embrace, lamenting, “I just asked her about the progress of the project, and she pushed me… Bry, maybe we should just promote her to director. Everyone else seems to be on her side anyway, and I just can’t stand this toxic workplace anymore.”

I listened, my eyebrows knitting together in disbelief at her talent for spinning tales. I almost laughed out of sheer frustration but was met with Bryant’s scrutinizing gaze.

“Is that so?”

so?” His voice was as cold as ice, sending shivers down my spine.

I replied with a self-deprecating tone, “Would you believe me if I said it wasn’t true?”

“Bry…” Margaret’s voice quivered, her delicate fingers clutching at the collar of his shirt-the very shirt I had designed and tailored for him, a gift for Valentine’s Day.

He didn’t respond to me, only lowering his gaze to the woman in his arms, his brows furrowed in a mix of impatience and concern, “You’re not a child; why cry over a small fall? Let’s get you checked out at the hospital.

With that, he strode away, as if fearing any harm might come to the apple of his eye, leaving behind a chilling silhouette.

I took a deep breath, trying hard to blink back the tears.

“Jane, why are you so disappointed? He’s about to become your ex-husband any thought.

As soon as they were out of sight, Linda rushed in, frantic with worry, “Jane, okay?”



managed a

do anything

have to answer to

a face in the direction they had left, “Mr. Ferguson just walked out holding Margaret like that. Everyone’s guessing about their

lacing her voice, ‘What if it’s true? You two can’t stand each other. She’s

heart clenched, almost numb by now.

for three years, yet only Christine and

Chapter 44


not even divorced yet, and he was already making no

claiming he never wanted things to turn out this way? Talk about being two-faced.

lips lightly, “It’s okay,

okay? Wherever


eager face, I couldn’t help but let out

figurehead with a title, not doing any real work.

noon, I was too busy to

but as soon as she lifted the lid, a wave of

hard, stirring from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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