Chapter 46

So why bother?

Christine pressed down her anger, “Fine, let’s just pay up and get out of here. Out of sight, out of mind.”

After settling the bill, the customer service rep led us to the front of the shop to see the


After days of repairs, there were no signs of the accident left. It looked as good as new.

“Wait for me a sec, I gotta hit the restroom,” Christine said in a rush, heading for the bathroom.

I chuckled and decided to wait inside the car.

The moment I got in, I heard a clear voice demanding, “I want that one!”

Which car she liked was none of my business,

I closed the car door, just thinking about leaving as soon as Christine returned. But before Christine came back, a sales consultant knocked on my window.

the window slightly, impatiently asking.

there’s a customer who would like to see your car, if that’s cool

not just to see, I want to buy it.” Margaret spoke softly, yet with an undeniable insistence, “We have money. Just name your

looked at me awkwardly, “What do

out the two words and immediately rolled up the window.

a few days after purchase; you couldn’t see inside

Margaret was relentless. She walked up to my car in her high heels, not caring whether I could hear her or not, and began to speak as if

yourself a brand new car? It’s a win-win How could

doesn’t have others. It’s just this color I need. I could Customize one myself, but I’m in a hurry. I assume you’re a reasonable

gentle but laced with condescension, “Do you know who came with me to buy this car? He’s the CEO of the Ferguson Group! In the future, the entire Ferguson Group will be hus.

Chapter 46

gaining his favor…”

“why can’t you drop this habit of grabbing everything? First

What’s your name again?” Margaret was furious, but couldn’t recall Christine’s name at the

friend of

voice deliberately, fixing her gaze on

visibly thrilled by

who had been indifferent, finally showed a flicker of emotion, a slight furrow

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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