Chapter 48

a hint of a smile in his eyes, casually replied, “Yeah, just got it confirmed.”

“It was him finally giving in.”

Steven wouldn’t let him be modest, “He’s been in touch before he even came back, just couldn’t make up his mind till now.”

Not just Linda, I couldn’t help but admire him too, chuckling, “Looks like it won’t be long you, pride of our alma

before RiverCity University comes knocking for an exclusive with


Speaking of which, Bryant, despite having graduated years ago, had a dedicated column. in the RiverCity University newsletter that still attracted a legion of fans among the students.

Maybe he was meant to be a star in the sky, far beyond my reach.

“So, are you here specifically to celebrate Mark’s new title?” Christine asked between bites. “Exactly.”

Steven nodded, “Eat up, we still have the second half to go.”

He said nonchalantly, throwing a sidelong glance, “Too bad Bryant couldn’t make it, otherwise you guys…”

I could tell he didn’t want me and Bryant to split up.

runs even when you’re eating.

swiftly stuffed a piece of brownie into

a smile, “It’s


we were going through a divorce, leading separate

it was

were leaving the diner, perhaps distracted, I missed a step and nearly tumbled

alright?” Mark’s voice was gentle with concern.

I just twisted my ankle a

be more serious than I thought, every step sending a sharp pain

hurt much?

I can handle it.

the stairs with the help do cathetrading,

who were eaty ne hand no out to pay, I said, “I wisted my ankle. You ouys

the hospital? Christine asked with concern.

just a minor issue.”


should I

debbetcanske dane home.”

added, “ve got a video conference tonight, atticinoomas second half

jatworks soupedrectly then.”

and headed out, “We’t leave

a call

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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