Chapter 50

“Who?” I was puzzled.

He scoffed, “Mark.”

I frowned at him, genuinely clueless about what was on his mind, “Bryant, are you here to catch me cheating red-handed?”

So funny!

His gaze dimmed, lips barely parted, he murmured, “No.”

“So, what do you want?”

Bryant didn’t respond, his long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks, of defeat.

And a sens

The night breeze brushed past, giving me goosebumps, “Speak up, or I’m closing the door.”

After a long silence, he suddenly spoke in a muffled voice, “I just missed you.”

My heart skipped a beat.

I was stunned.

He had flirted with me countless times before, but it was always playful, never heartfelt.

miss you” the heat of

was used to being let

he blurted out those words so



managed to stir my

a deep breath, trying to stay composed,

“I’m not.”

me closely, I’m Jane…”

know you’re Jane.”

of my head, and a torrent of

a certainty, “I’m thinking of

spilled from his lips repeatedly, tickling my

made me tremble.

marking his territory, fiercely stealing


Chapter 50

allowing him to

broad hand started to wander over my body. through


my senses, I pushed him away, collapsing to the ground, clutching a trash can, retching.

the more the taste

tell if I was feeling humiliated or just stifled, but my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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