Chapter 55

I found myself a cozy spot at the family gathering, swirling the tea in my hands. The aroma was pleasant, and the first sip was a smooth blend of bitterness and sweetness, comforting to my nerves.

I couldn’t help but smile, “Timothy always thinks of us when he comes across something special,”

“No wonder Timothy has a soft spot for you, always sweet-talking!” Bryant’s aunt chuckled.

I offered a polite smile in return, saying nothing more.

After a bit more light-hearted conversation, Gary ushered us to

the dining table for dinner.

The seating was meticulously pre-arranged. Timothy at the head of the table, with Bryant’s uncle, aunt and cousin on his right. To his left were Bryant, who had recently taken over the Ferguson Group, myself, my father-in-law, and Margaret.

The hierarchy was clear at a glance, leaving Margaret no choice but to simmer in silence. She might challenge me anywhere else, but not here, not within the walls of the Ferguson Mansion. Even if Bryant and I were to divorce, she wouldn’t dare overstep. Here, Timothy had my back.

eagerly suggested, “Jane, try

Timothy made a special request for it. Freshly caught and flown in just

salt than pepper, and felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. For years, he filled

the bisque when suddenly, a wave of nausea overcame me. I excused myself to the restroom, where I had a fit of

looked concerned, “Are you alright, dear?

in, “I think Jane might be expecting. It looks

caught me off guard. My heart skipped a beat as I felt the piercing gaze of


the mix of anticipation, surprise, and envy,


Chapter 55

a convincing excuse.

to deceive him, yet I


I’m not pregnant. It’s just some stomach trouble lately that’s been making

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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