Chapter 65

That made my mind wander all morning long.

It felt like there were two little figures brawling Inside my head.

One argued, “Look, he does care after all. He even remembers the first day we met.”

The other retorted, “Come on, he recently forgot you even went to RiverCity University. – How could he remember that day? He probably asked Steven or someone. Don’t get all lovesick!”

By noon, I shook off these cluttered thoughts and asked Christine if she wanted to join me for lunch in the cafeteria.

We used to order takeout or dine out quite a bit

But lately, I couldn’t be bothered to walk an extra step, and takeout just wasn’t as fresh or clean as the cafeteria’s offerings. So, we practically made the cafeteria our new haunt.

Heading towards the office area, I wasn’t sure who had brought their packed lunch, but the smell suddenly made me queasy, and I found myself dashing to the restroom.

After emptying my stomach until it hurt and the bitter taste lingered in my mouth, I finally straightened up, leaning against the wall for support.

I never imagined pregnancy could be this tough.

Yet, thinking of the tiny life inside me made it all seem worthwhile.

“You’re throwing up again?”

I thought everyone would be out for lunch at this time, but as I exited, there stood Margaret by the sink.

If she found out about my pregnancy, she

stand a chance in a custody

acting up. Isn’t vomiting normal then? You seem to have plenty of free time, standing here

She grilled me, her eyes brimming with deep distrust and

else could it

“It better be.”

She seemed half-convinced.


Chapter 65

hands and was about to leave,

replying calmly. “If I were pregnant, would! be divorcing Bryant and

reassure her.

she warned me scornfully, “You’d better be smart and finalize the divorce soon.


I would have snapped back, but every second with her

the word, I walked away.

us a spot in the cafeteria. When I brought over our meals,

pale. What’s up?”

notice your keen detective skills before?” I laughed, easing the tension

eyebrow, “She’s still nosy about your pregnancy? Seems she doesn’t

did this

are guessing who the real deal is between you two, and most are betting on you, waiti to see her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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