Chapter 76

“Are you at home?”

His voice echoed as if he was in a vast, empty space, carrying a tone of exhaustion.

I got up and walked to the balcony, stretching my neck as I moved. Ignoring the ache, I casually asked, “Yeah, what about you? Still caught

o with works,

It was to be expected, after all, Margaret had lost so much blood.

How could he possibly be at ease?

“Almost done here.”

Something seemed to lighten his mood, his voice gaining a hint of warmth, “The tickets. are on the hallway table, don’t forget to grab them on your way out.”

Even though I had anticipated it, hearing him confirm it still stung a bit, “You’re not coming?”

“Where did that come from? I’ll meet you at the stadium entrance…”

He chuckled, but his words were suddenly cut off by a fragile yet breaking question, “Bry, who are you talking to? Didn’t you promise me…

Her words ended abruptly, not because Bryant stopped her, but because the call had been disconnected.

This made it feel like we were having an affair, and I was the other woman.

me. It felt like

understand what Bryant was trying to


me with attention, even making our relationship public at work so everyone knew who I was, as

to change my mind, he left me hanging, spending the

was a child involved.

what am I to

mind, my phone lit

I don’t make it before the doors close, go ahead

me his answer. He chose Margaret


chat screen, reading that message over and over until my eyes hurt.

breathing felt

experience being abandoned multiple times, each more profound than the

at the message, I found

at my own foolishness.

time after time, but at his faintest call, I’d still sprint back to

couldn’t blame myself.

a third of my life

anxious love fulfilled, I had tasted the bittersweetness of loving

some people

couch, lost in thought for a while, until it was


a light brown satin slip dress from the

had adored for many years; I wanted to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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