Chapter 78

1 patted him on the shoulder, steering the conversation elsewhere with a smile, “So, you’re into Eason’s music too? You never mentioned it before.”

Mark glanced towards the stage, his voice tinged with melancholy, “Just a case of liking. what she liked, I guess.”

“She’s a fan?”

“Yeah, back in college, she really was into his stuff.”

“Small world, huh?”

I grinned, “I got into Eason áround my college years too.”

He returned a meaningful smile, “That is quite the coincidence.”

We were seated with a perfect view of the stage, not a single bad angle in sight.

As the familiar intro played and the singer appeared, the whole venue came alive with screams and sing-alongs.

Mark and I, however, were more like two outliers, just quietly listening.

Memories from years past played in my mind like a movie, shifting scenes one after another.

“Ten years ago

I didn’t know you

You weren’t mine

Yet here we are

side by side


Ten years later

We’re friends,

to say hello

that kind of tenderness

gives us a reason

eventually turn



last lyric, tears suddenly

felt like an eternity, reaching for tissues to clean

emotion, “Once you’ve cried it out, will you.

“Probably not.”

encourage, “If you wanna cry, just

“Who said I

do you

meant, and looked at him in surprise, “You’re

openly admitted, “Yeah.”

good guys, truly loyal. Then go for it, we’re all waiting to celebrate your big day.”

torch for that college girl till now. It’s

he still had a chance with her.

divorced, might not

years of love, and now we’re just

Quite the irony.

slightly, his amber eyes gleaming like a sky full of stars, “I can’t

“Why’s that?”

not divorced

hit me,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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