Chapter 80

As the car lights flicked on, Bryant jerked awake almost instantly, his expression tinged with the irritation of being disturbed. The next second, his gaze collided with mine..

His face relaxed, “Is the concert over?”

Just like nothing had happened.

As if him deceiving me, spending days and nights with Margaret was all in my head.

I was too tired to keep up the act, “The person you saw at the hospital yesterday was me. Bryant, I was probably standing about ten feet away from you, no, maybe even closer. I saw with my own eyes how distracted my husband was over another woman. And I heard you admit to the nurse that you were her husband. So, when you called me yesterday, I already knew you were lying to me”

I forced a smile, staring at

having a baby, aren’t you?”


him as I spoke deliberately, “Oh, right, she’s pregnant. You’re

With every word I said, his expression turned uglier, more complicated!

But the more I spoke, the better I felt.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Congratulations,

he leaned in, stretching his arm to pull me into

Kevin gave me an apologetic look and smoothly closed the

two were incredibly

so close that if

I felt no trace of romance, only

“Get lost!”

large frame blocking my view,

was an emergency, and I couldn’t be

I didn’t intend to deceive or

against mine, his deco eves as if trying to peer into my soul, his voice

as if it was being tightly squeezed, causing a sharp pain.


Chapter 80

at playing with emotions, making it seem like he was the

I was the

does that

in love

space of the car, his dominance was suffocating. Even

next to

continued to ear “Fourth, yes, she is pregnant, but the child isn’t mine.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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