Chapter 82

“Kevin, hit the gas! Drive Mrs. Ferguson home,” he tossed the words over his shoulder before slamming the car door shut.

Kevin didn’t hesitate, sliding into the driver’s seat, “My apologies, Mrs. Ferguson.”

With a click, the doors locked.

All I could do was watch helplessly as Bryant walked away, slipping into his bodyguard’s sleek car.

The engines roared to life, and as the traffic light flicked colors, our cars veered off in completely different directions.

Just like Bryant and 1, perhaps never meant to walk the same path.

I slumped into the seat, drained and disheveled, my mind a whirlwind of chaos.

Why bother?

I’ve given him and Margaret

Bryant, what do you really want?

, asking for nothing in return. Isn’t that enough

Kevin drove on, stealing glances at me, and ventured cautiously, “You know, Mrs. Ferguson, there’s no need to go to war with Mr. Ferguson. After all, you are Mrs. Ferguson. Margaret shouldn’t weigh so heavily on your mind.”


rolled down the window, letting the cold air rush in, and pursed my lips, “Do you also think that having the

just that Mr. Ferguson tends to respond better to a softer touch… The more you push,

right-hand man; it’s

fight with him. Kevin, you might not understand, but being Mrs. Ferguson in name only isn’t what I

wanted to truly be his wife – not just in name, but without

You want Mr. Ferguson’s

streets, perhaps afraid of pity, I offered no

murmuring, “But hasn’t Mr. Ferguson’s heart been long gone?”


did you say?”

muffled his words, “Gone where?”

if he’d spoken out of turn,

I was puzzled.

I didn’t press

under Gary’s wing and working alongside Bryant for years, seldom

out of him would be

me off and ensuring I was safely inside, Kevin reported back to

closed the door behind me, chuckling bitterly at

was one thing, but now, even coming home


I got up early, prepared myself a hearty breakfast, filling up

was common knowledge within the company, I


kinds of stares were coming

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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