Chapter 85

By the time I walked her home, the night had already cloaked the sky in its inky embrace.

Worried that she might not take good care of herself these next few days, I decided to stay over at her place.

The next morning, over breakfast, Christine kept sneaking glances at me.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s up?”

She hemmed and hawed, then straightened up, “Uh, about that night Bryant got, um, drugged, your phone suddenly died, and I never got the chance to ask you.”

Confused, I asked, “Ask what?”

Leaning in, she flashed a mischievous smile, “Did you guys, you know, do it? With that kind of drug, it must have been quite the experience, huh?”

I was halfway through my pancakes when her question caught me off-guard, causing me to choke. I knew of her tendency to drop bombshells, but it still took me by surprise every


Coughing, I tried to regain my composure, “No, we didn’t have sex.”

She handed me a napkin, looking skeptical, “Really?”

“Of course, not. I’m in the first trimester of my pregnancy, how could we?”

my mouth, tossing the

of that night made my cheeks warm.

you really wanted to, there

felt an inexplicable

get over it? Don’t tell me a

muttered to herself, then her gaze dropped to my hand, teasing, “Or did you, you know, lend him

it was just the two of us, she lowered her voice, imbuing her words



blushed furiously, lunging to cover her mouth “What are

as if shed figured it all out,

eat your breakfast!”



keep quiet even

her mouth, and she managed to suppress

“You know, now that I think of it, Bryant does have


woman, he came back home to you for… assistance. That means the baby can’t be his. He wouldn’t even touch Margaret, so how

was too much for me, but the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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