Chapter 96

From a short distance away, a voice I recognized all too well drifted over to me,

My father-in-law, Albert, appeared with his rainbow-colored sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt, looking like he’d just returned from another one of his escapades on some tropical


Albert was a classic playboy who never grew out of his wild, youthful ways. And at the time, he was just an older version of that carefree spirit.

Upon seeing him, Margaret burst into tears. “Oh, Albert, I’m so glad you’re back. It’s been so hard for me these days.”

“Did Bryant mistreat you?” Albert slid his sunglasses up to rest on his head, fixing his gaze on Bryant. “I’ve told you a hundred times that you must take good care of Margaret. I leave for just two days, and she ends up in the hospital?”

I couldn’t help but feel a storm of annoyance brewing inside me, looking for a chance to escape the drama.


But then, Albert suddenly noticed me and flashed a satisfied grin. “Jane? You’re here, I greeted him out of politeness, even though I didn’t see him as much of a father figure to Bryant.

it should be. You should take

up to Margaret, but standing up to him was another story-he was, after all, my elder. All I could say was, “I

into Albert’s arms, his voice cold. “Since you’re back, she’s your responsibility now.”

made to leave with

Margaret called out in anger and frustration, but Bryant ignored her, following

walked more slowly than usual, and he matched my pace patiently.

that I turned to face him. “Are you free

was what we both


Chapter 96

was asking him out, his eyes briefly

hall.” I invited

when it was over, Timothy’s eightieth birthday celebration would have long passed. By then, we could cleanly get our divorce papers. and finish

day. Why are you back at the hospital? Dean Burton said your

the other day,

assistant. Except for the ultrasound, all the reports had gone through

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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