Chapter 100

Bryant paused a bit. “How did you know?”

There was no point in beating around the bush when a marriage ended. I confessed, “That day, I overheard you talking with your granddad in the office. I also heard you admit that you had no feelings for me anymore. Maybe this marriage was a mistake from the very beginning.”

“It wasn’t.” He denied it desperately, knitting his brows as he reminisced, and then clarified, “I wasn’t admitting to what you think. You misunderstood it…”

I wasn’t in a hurry to argue. I watched Bryant quietly, smiling, “Did you ever love me?”

Bryant was stunned for a moment. The question was perhaps too difficult for him. “Jane…”

“Don’t explain. It’ll just make me look pitiful.” I laughed as if I cared about nothing, “Just have Kevin send over the agreement you prepared for me. Someday, you’ll marry someone else. It wouldn’t be right for me to hold onto these shares…”

He cut me off with conviction, every word sincere, “I won’t remarry.”

My eyelashes fluttered. “That’s your choice. It’s not right for me to hold onto these shares.” I wasn’t that big-hearted. After all, I’d been in love with him for many years, and it seemed wrong to see him again after our divorce. Time should erase all traces of the past, not keep reopening old wounds.

And if Margaret found out about the shares, she’d likely give me no peace. It would be better to leave no strings attached if it was over.

me?” Bryant’s face fell, glancing at his watch, his lips pressed thin. “I only have five minutes left.

and quickly signed my name in

the potato was, there was always a way to handle it. The priority was to

we returned to the counter, the clerk had finished checking the other documents and took the divorce agreement back for another

divorce application form. “Sign this,

clerk added, “I see you both still have feelings for


Chapter 100

But you two are different. One person keeps giving, while the

me.” I smiled, still

each other in your hearts, take

standing by my side, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up, “Can it be canceled anytime

come in on a


of the town hall, I felt like I was awakening from a long dream. It felt

continued to pour down relentlessly. Bryant opened the umbrella he had the door,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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