Chapter 117

I was momentarily stunned. I had almost forgotten about that.

With Timothy gone, as the new head of the Ferguson family, Bryant was naturally moving.

I pulled away from him, relenting, “Fine, forget it.”

Later in the evening, the housekeeper had dinner ready, and Gary came to call us down. The vast Ferguson Mansion seemed to continue its orderly pace. Yet, everyone looked heavy.

After dinner, I returned to my room to freshen up and fell into a deep sleep.

I had hardly slept for two days, wanting to sleep but unable to. Now that everything was settling down, I slept soundly, not waking until the following morning.

Bryant was already gone. The company was swamped these days, with rival firms looking to kick us while we were down.

Arriving at the office, I received many curious glances. Even though Bryant had promised to stop seeing Margaret, the office didn’t know, and they were all still caught up in the drama of Margaret becoming the CEO’s secretary. Their looks made me feel like the other


But I stood tall, knowing I had done nothing wrong, and threw myself into work upon returning to my office. The design drafts flowed much more smoothly with inspiration, showing promise by the end of the day.

for dinner and wanting to

I saw Linda still at her desk.



guard while on her phone, She jumped, flipping it face down on the desk Caught

my office door out of

me at an Italian restaurant in the mall, waving me over as

looked me up and down. “You’ve

out my hand, “Show me.that gossip group

Christine asked, “Why?”

to see what they’re saying


Chapter 117

Christine prepared

was puzzled, “Why?”

disbanded it,” answered Christine.

baffled. “You were the admin?”

when I told her not to get involved in trashing Margaret. She wasn’t

her nose, saying, “Yeah, but you can’t be mad at me.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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