Chapter 123

I paused, a wave of indescribable sorrow washing over me.

The whole world knew how much I loved Bryant, to the point where I couldn’t bear the

thought of anyone else in my heart. Yet, he always felt like my heart belonged to someone else,

There was a time when I would have gladly ripped my heart out just to show him, “Look, Bryant, it’s all about you.” But now, that was something I couldn’t do anymore.

I even doubted if his name would still be found within it, when all that remained were


On the way back to Christine’s place, she looked at me with such pity, biting her lip before finally asking, “Why didn’t you tell him you had a miscarriage too?”

“It wouldn’t make a difference.”

I leaned on her shoulder, my voice weak and lifeless, “So he might feel sorry and come back to me for a while. Then what?”

I had gone through this too many times. Trying over and over to make things right, only to end up more broken each time.

And the price I paid this time was even more devastating.


Christine let out a long sigh, trying to hold back her sobs, “Let him be with the one who killed his own child. When he finds out one day, let’s see how much he regrets it.”

“He might never regret it.”

Thinking of how he had coldly interrogated me earlier for the sake of Margaret, I felt both pitiful and pathetic.

make if he

always choose

the street today had taught me a painful

when I needed him the

and roared with anger…

eight years of

of him, he probably


Chapter 123

profound love,

thought about it, “Jane,

out at the motley city lights, “Tell me, in today’s RiverCity, who can

situation might have been handled differently,


the police? Even if Margaret’s crimes could be

wanted now was peace, to be far away from them.

in her madness today made me more convinced that Timothy’s death

only one to meet a bad

a long

in a daze, the day’s events flashing through my

the night, drenched in cold sweat, my thoughts were incredibly


My baby….


very small, he

tightly squeezed, sour and painful, swelling to the point where I couldn’t breathe. Only


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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