Chapter 141


His gaze was locked on me, his eyes swirling with an emotion I couldn’t quite place, “I regret the papers.”


“I can’t stand the thought of divorcing you.”

His voice was low, as if shrouded in a mist.

I licked my lips, pointing towards the elevator we were about reach, “I’ll head out first.”

Everything that needed to be said, had been said. Continuing this tug of war was just adding to the annoyance.

“I said, I’d take you…”


The elevator doors slid open, and to my surprise, it was Margaret Her face lit up with joy, “I thought you said you were busy this afternoon? Couldn’t stay away from me, could you?”

I didn’t look back, stepping past her into the elevator. After pressing the button for my floor, I didn’t even bother to see what expression Bryant was making.

or indulgence, it didn’t matter to


let go. Let go of the person I had chased

home, Mark

smile, “What’s up, Mark?”

your design submission? His

grow inside me. Slowing down, I thought carefully, “Just

at the office overnight, the design had

a brief silence on the other end before I

Should I come



Chapter 141

about 1 meet you

He agreed immediately.

Starbucks below the office building. Through the large glass windows,

beige shirt and khaki trousers, looking

seemed to vanish. He


taking a sip, I looked a

seemed to understand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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