Chapter 150

Following the lead of the hospital director, Professor Franklin stepped forward to inquire about my symptoms. Without even bothering with a blood draw, he prescribed

medication on the spot and had a nurse fetch it for me to start an IV drip.

As the needle pierced my skin, I instinctively flinched, attempting to pull my hand away. Suddenly, a pair of comforting hands covered my eyes. “Don’t worry. It’s already in,” a voice assured me.

Feeling slightly more at ease, and just as I began to relax, the needle slid into my vein.

With the hands removed, I looked up helplessly at Mark. “Mark, you lied, too?”

“A white lie,” he said with a light chuckle.

After the nurse helped me onto the bed and applied a cold pack to my forehead, the hospital director and his entourage left the room. The cold pack brought instant relief, cooling me down and making me feel much better.

Mark sat beside my bed, gesturing outside with a hesitant and cautious look. “Did I scare you just now?”

“Huh?” I was momentarily puzzled and realized he was referring to when he had snapped at Margaret. I shook my head. “Not scared, just a bit surprised.”

Mark smiled. “Surprised that I could get mad?”

to seeing you so calm. But we’re not puppets. It’s normal to show

Mark seemed suddenly relaxed, his amber eyes sparkling as a small smile played on his lips. “I used to be passive, but

that girl?” I

look and smiled. “Yeah, now I am. But that girl protected me when we were kids, always so bright and a bit of a spoiled princess. Initially, the person

dare to bully her?” I blurted out without thinking.

fluttered down, a touch of sadness in his

“What?” I asked.

was low. And I couldn’t catch his words in my

voice broke the


Chapter 150

next moment, she burst through

“How did you know I

up and explained, “Stevent told me. He gave me the room number and all, and just told me to get my butt over here quick.”

accompanied me to the hospital, and

dealings with Margaret were always on his terms, never needing

a work call, he smoothly handed

too preoccupied to chat. Instead, she stood at the door with her hands on her hips, fiercely cursing Margaret until

returned, tucking me in. “Get some rest. I’ll keep an eye

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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