Chapter 156

Christine’s shopping spree knew no bounds, dragging me through store after store. She mused that leaving her job enabled her to spoil herself after being a workhorse for four


“Hey, isn’t that the Patek Philippe woman?” she suddenly exclaimed, nodding toward a luxury boutique we were passing by.

I glanced over. “Yeah, that’s Margaret.”

There she was, modeling a handbag that cost over a brand-new car, likely contemplating the purchase. Bryant has always been overly generous with her.

I wasn’t particularly keen on watching the spectacle unfold, so I tried to pull Christine away, but she suddenly grabbed me, and we ducked behind a column!

Confused, I gave her a puzzled look.

“It’s your father-in-law, Albert!” she whispered in shock..

“Albert?” I was surprised.

“Yeah, Albert is out shopping with the Patek Philippe woman!” Christine’s face lit up the excitement reserved for juicy gossip.


see the big deal,” I shrugged it off with a smile. “Margaret

couldn’t get a sliver of his

peeked out for another look and turned back to me suspiciously. “I’ve never seen a stepdaughter and stepfather this close. They’re almost like real father and daughter.”


might as well be,” I said, disinterested in delving further into the Ferguson- family dynamics, except

we could make our escape, Margaret

tried to ignore her. Yet, she caught up, sizing me up. “You’re out of the hospital?”

to you?” I retorted,

turned to Albert, pouting, “Dad! Look how Jane’s treating me when I’m trying to be

only to hear Albert approach, putting on the air of an elder. “I hear you and Bryant

month,” I responded truthfully



Chapter 156

the news, urging, “Well

if only your son were as eager!” Christine seemed to think Albert was rushing me to clear the way for Margaret, taunting him before launching into a sarcastic tirade, “It’s bizarre. What kind

nonsense are you spouting? If they can’t make it work, is that my fault? I only want them to find their happiness sooner rather

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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