Chapter 172

“Seriously?” Allen was skeptical.

I was fuming “Yes, seriously! Hurry up!”

Thrilled to bits, Allen scrambled to untie the ropes binding me.”

But as I was about to enjoy my freedom, someone abruptly grabbed my arm from behind. Before I could even resist, I felt the cold metal against my temple. Having watched my fair share of crime dramas and war movies, I knew it was the barrel of a gun. My body tensed up, and I dared not move, letting the man pull me to my feet.

“Mr. Ferguson, stop it, or there’ll be trouble with Mrs. Ferguson.” The moment the person behind me spoke, I recognized the raspy voice.

point, his men were mostly down, clearly outmatched by Bryant

her. None of you are leaving

Mr. Ferguson, your stance, it doesn’t seem like you’re planning on

thinking you run the place.” With a calm and cold demeanor,

step, the man holding the gun trembled.

help but tremble myself, tears uncontrollably streaming down my face.

At that moment, even the bravest soul would show his fear. Bryant stopped several feet away from us,

questioned, giving Lloyd, already battered and bruised, a

about to nod, several cars pulled up at the entrance, seemingly Lloyd’s reinforcements, which gave

grabbed the gun from the man’s hand,

a shot behind me! But the pain I anticipated never came. After a brief moment of dizziness, Bryant had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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