Chapter 175

It didn’t surprise me at all, not a ripple in my heart.

Wherever Bryant was, she was like a dog spotting a hot dog stand, ready to do anything, which was hardly shocking.

Bryant’s expression darkened slightly, his voice cold, “I’m not thirsty anymore.”

“How can you not be thirsty? Wasn’t Jane just about to get you a drink…” Margaret’s pretty face was all scrunched up in confusion, but then she mumbled, “Well, it figures. She doesn’t know you like I do and can’t even tell when you want something.“>

With that, she set the water glass aside.\

I had been worried about Bryant getting hurt and was looking for a chance to ask him about Margaret. And the opportunity had presented itself on a silver platter.

I turned to Bryant, my lips curving slightly. “What have you decided about her?“}

day, and by then, he should have come to a

that “she” referred to her, Margaret asked

“Aren’t you being a bit too

looked at

earlier, yet she had walked all the way here without mentioning any

Being as cautious about her

this situation better than anyone. I won’t let it go easily. If you don’t do it my way, that’s

slightly, “I’ll do

“When?” I pressed.

are you guys talking about? I don’t understand a word.“}]

injured his shoulder, winced in pain, his voice tinged with coldness,

lose face, and she pouted, “Fine, but don’t be mean to

and smirked, “We were discussing sending you abroad. Which country would you prefer? Oh, and the Ferguson family will

was shocked, her confusion becoming panic as she listened, her face growing paler, finally turning to Bryant in disbelief. “Bry, she’s lying, is she? You can’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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