Chapter 178

The car rolled to a graceful stop before a grand estate, its façade imposing and majestic. Quick on his feet, the driver stepped out to open our doors.

Kathy, her posture ramrod straight, a testament to her upbringing, led the way in black kitten heels, guiding me through the main entrance. “Ms. Webster, I’ve invited you here today for a favor.“}]

I asked, “What kind of favor?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” Her words piqued my curiosity, though I’ve never been one to pry too deeply.

But as we meandered through the garden, and I glimpsed through the glass of the scene unfolding in the family’s private chapel, I was stunned. Mark was on his knees, his back a canvas of brutal wounds, yet his expression bore no trace of pain or rage, only an unsettling calm, like the still surface of a dormant pond.}

The irate matriarch, standing over him, lashed out again, her voice seething, “Mark, don’t think for a second I can’t deal with you! If you die, I’ll adopt another heir to continue the Larson family!“}

replied, his tone a mix of deference and disdain, not moving an inch, enduring the

and was about to step forward when Kathy held me

remembered Mark telling me his

influence for years, only to tap into it


Mark since being kidnapped the

a low profile in RiverCity for years, steering clear of the muddy waters of politics and crime.

yet the implication

been content with

marriage?” I was stunned.

happy as his wife. But

briefly met mine. “Yes, an arranged marriage with another rich family.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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