Bryant gave me a dark look, hoping I’d step back from the edge.
I couldn’t help but smile, taking the lead with firm resolve. “She’s telling the
truth. She’ll be gone by tomorrow night at the latest.”
“I won’t listen to you…” Teresa ignored my words, her eyes locked on Bryant,
looking like she could barely handle the truth. “Bry, tell me. Is it true?”
Perhaps my gaze was too intense, but despite his discomfort, Bryant’s voice
was calm and steady as he spoke. “Yes, it’s true.”
“Mom, did you hear that?” Margaret was on the verge of tears. “Bry promised
you he’d look out for me, but now, he’s turning his back on us to side with an
Bryant’s expression turned cold. “Jane is my wife, not an outsider!”
“You’re divorced!” Margaret’s face was streaked with tears, her words
emphatic, as if she was the one who had been wronged.
Bryant frowned, displeased. “Until the divorce papers are signed, Jane

remains my wife.”
I was surprised that Bryant emphasized our relationship with Margaret like
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“Enough,” Teresa interrupted their argument, her sickly face showing a hint of
pleading. “Bry, whatever your and Ms. Webster’s relationship is, Margaret is
still your family, right? She’s been doted on by our family since she was
young. Sending her abroad alone is like sending her to her doom.”
“I only have one daughter. If something happens to her, how am I supposed
to live…”
Teresa was close to tears.
I was frustrated, only to hear Bryant hesitantly relent. “I’ll discuss it again with
“Discuss what?” I stared at him, unwilling to compromise again! I didn’t want
to give in this time.
I spoke stubbornly, “Bryant, you just promised me this yesterday.”
Does he just change his mind like that? He’s always breaking his promises.
Bryant pinched his nose, trying to pull me aside, but I shook off his hand,
refusing to back down. “If you have something to say, say it here.”
“Do you have to make things so hard?” Bryant’s face got all serious.
I didn’t buy his words, scoffing, “For instance? You wouldn’t send her to
prison, would you?”
Teresa looked at me. “Prison? What has Margaret done that you want to send
her to prison?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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