The day Timothy passed, he mentioned that Bryant would figure out the truth
sooner or later. They couldn’t keep it from him forever. It was better Bryant
knew now than later to save him from being deceived by that mother and
But what caught me off guard was Gary on the other end of the phone,
sounding genuinely puzzled. “Mrs. Ferguson, where did you hear about that?”
My vision nearly blacked out, anticipating Bryant’s icy stare!
“Grandpa told me,” I said.
I even began to doubt myself, wondering if I got it all wrong. But no, I hadn’t.
I tried to remind him, “Gary, don’t you remember? It was in Timothy’s study,
he even had…”
“You must be mistaken.” Gary cut me off so abruptly!
I was stunned, disbelief evident in my voice, “How could I possibly get this
“Jane!” Margaret, somewhat nervous, suddenly scoffed, “You wouldn’t be
trying to bribe Gary into vouching for you, would you? Sadly, he was
Timothy’s most trusted man and would never stoop to your level! Give it up!”
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“Gary…” I couldn’t help but try to confirm with Gary again, but before I could,
Bryant snatched the phone from me, his expression dark as he stepped
outside to talk to Gary.
When he returned, the storm brewing in his eyes felt like it could engulf me.

His voice was cold, “Have you got anything else to say?”
“Bry…” Teresa’s face was all about patience and tolerance. “Ms. Webster
must be unhappy about your favoritism toward Margaret, fabricating these
stories to drive a wedge between you and us. It’s understandable. Don’t be
too upset…”
Looking at Teresa’s composed demeanor, I realized I had fallen into a trap. I
had messed up at the worst possible moment.
Clutching my hands, I only looked at Bryant. “Believe it or not, what I said was
“Enough!” Bryant’s shout cut through the tension, “Isn’t this enough drama for
He seemed more inclined to believe I was someone who made false
accusations rather than trust my words.
A bitter smile crossed my lips. “So, you don’t trust me at all. Is that it?”
“I feel so sick…” Suddenly, Teresa started gasping for breath and fainted the
next second.
Margaret’s performance was even more convincing, immediately bursting into
tears. “Bry, are you going to let Jane upset my mother to death?”
Bryant’s eyes were icy as he looked at me, his voice serious as he said, “Get
His gaze was sharp, stabbing right through my heart.
I froze, finally realizing he wasn’t yelling at someone else. He was yelling at
Right. Compared to Teresa, who had been in a vegetative state for years
because of him, what was I?
I drove home, my mind in chaos, only to find a Bentley parked not far away. It
was Timothy’s favorite car.

” I w
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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