He didn’t even flinch as he frowned. “Do you think I’d look for trouble for no
That was debatable.
The mere sight of Teresa and Margaret irked me so much that I didn’t want to
go downstairs. Before I returned to my room, I said, “You better get rid of
those two women, or I’m out.”
Before I could even step through the door, Margaret came rushing up. “Bry,
you’ve got to see this that Jane…”
Her words cut off abruptly as her gaze landed on me.

I didn’t want to see Margaret, but since she mentioned me, I faced her, “What
about me? Surprisingly, you’re so concerned about me now.”
“Why are you here? You have some nerve. After the divorce, you are still
hanging around the Ferguson Mansion…”
She tried to hide it, but her tone mixed with jealousy and annoyance.
“Margaret!” Bryant snapped, his face like ice, “I don’t want to remind you a
third time. Jane’s still my wife.”
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I spoke calmly, “We’re still missing a divorce certificate. By all accounts, I
belong here more than you do. Since you’re calling me shameless, what does
that make you? Shameless and skinless?”
“Sharp-tongued!” Margaret glared at me, huffing, “Whether it’s Bry or Albert,
they’re the real Fergusons, closest to me! What am I, then?”
Thinking back to what I saw the day before at the hotel, my stomach churned.
“I’m not so sure if you and Bry are close. But Albert and you must be pretty
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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