“Ms. Webster, it’s a different.” Teresa was arguing forcibly, yet her tone was
soft, “The evidence you brought up yesterday only showed Margaret had
touched Timothy’s medicine. What does that prove? She just wanted to
ensure Timothy took his meds. What do you think can happen when an
unmarried man and woman get caught standing at the doorway, being adults
and all?”

I grabbed a glass of water from the coffee table and splashed it right in her
face, sneering, “Teresa, say one more word, and I assure you, it won’t just be
water next time.”
Playing the devoted daughter in public while sneaking around with her
stepfather, Margaret suddenly became frantic, “How dare you treat my mom
like this? Have you lost your mind?”
I picked up another glass and drenched her as well. “Say that again?”
Margaret’s perfect makeup was ruined, and she looked at me in disbelief.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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