The playful tone in his voice was obvious.
Under the flickering shadows, Gregory leaned casually against a tree, his
cropped hair tousled across his forehead, the corners of his eyes curved
upwards, embodying a spirit of wild and carefree abandon.
It seemed lost on him how inappropriate it was to say such a thing to
someone he had met moments ago.
In the biting chill of the evening, I wondered what brought him out into the
I pocketed my phone, slightly on guard. “What brings you out here?”
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t following you.” Gregory spoke with a lazy drawl, “It was
too stuffy inside. I needed some fresh air. Little did I know RiverCity folks
were so open.”

I said, “It’s just them.”
Something about Gregory seemed complicated. He wasn’t someone to get
too involved with.
I pursed my lips and decided to be upfront. “Could you keep it to yourself for

agreed readily and quickly changed the subject, “What’s in it for me?” I frowned. “In it for you?” Gregory was straightforward. “I’m a man of interests. Never do something without a little something in return.” The longer I lingered, the more likely it was for Margaret to

from the hall, possibly suspecting I’d been eavesdropping on their less-thanpublic affairs in the yard.
Desperate to leave, I asked, “What do you want?”
“Haven’t decided yet.” He said, a smirk on his lips, “How about you owe me
one? I’ll let you know once I’ve decided.”
“Fine.” I agreed without a second thought.
After tonight, we might not even see each other again. Without evidence, who
could hold whom accountable?
Finally, he straightened up, glancing at my thin black dress. “Aren’t you cold?”
His question caught me off guard, and I replied almost reflexively, “A bit.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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