Chapter 210

“No problem.” I nodded, giving her a skeptical glance. “Has Steven been bothering you?”

“Yep! Burp…” She sipped her water, belching slightly, her gaze unfocused, yet her thoughts seemed crystal clear. “He said he didn’t want to split up and would ditch the arranged marriage for me.”

I was stunned. “For real?”

“Are you daft?” Christine’s fingers, adorned with an elegant manicure, poked my forehead, her clarity unshaken. “Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter. Even if he wants that, do you think his folks would agree? His family might not be as posh as the Ferguson family, but still, a girl like me marrying him? Fat chance.”

Christine continued, “No matter how passionate love is, can it stand up to his family’s staunch opposition? And if I do marry him, how long before the happiness turns to bitterness? Only a fool would fall for that!”

After hearing her out, I pinched her cheek. “Had quite a bit to drink, yet your brain’s still ticking, huh?”

She gave me a bittersweet smile. “That’s why I drank so much.”

That was too lucid. Christine didn’t even allow herself the chance to sink into oblivion, to grasp a moment of fleeting happiness.

Christine rested her head on my lap, murmuring, “Cinderella ended up with the prince because she was born into nobility. But I’m just the Little Match Girl.”

My heart ached for her. “Then I’ll buy your matches with all my savings and make you rich.”

given me plenty,

up, and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I made a simple affair of milk with sandwiches.

deflated, eyeing me with a shaky voice. “I feel you’re in a good

in front of her. “I’ve got an appointment

“Weren’t you guys in the cooling–off period

“A call from Bryant can

“He’s that eager, huh?”

suggested it.” I smiled, sitting opposite her, took a sip of milk,

You caught them in the act?”

I smirked. “Yup.”

“Did you take pictures? Show

stuff,” I warned

it all. It

verdict was succinct. “Wow, quite

shooting her a glare and urging

while I stepped out

silent, waiting for me

  • you

make it today? I’ll be at the town hall

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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