Chapter 212

I was totally confused and shot back, “What do you mean?”

His expression was icy, cutting through the air like a knife. “Cut the act.”

Confused and increasingly irritated, I shot back, “Excuse me? What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything wrong!”

“Denying it till the bitter end, huh?” Bryant’s lips curved in a smirk, his demeanor turning even more intimidating. He Mcked his phone several times and aimed it at me, “Take a look. Your masterpiece, isn’t it?”

I was momentarily stunned and turned my gaze to his phone screen. It was a trending topic that had exploded online just minutes ago. And there it was, a scandal involving Albert and Margaret. There was even a video. The thumbnail showed last night’s scene in the Larson family’s backyard.

I recognized it instantly, a chill running down my spine. I clicked on it, wondering if it was the video I had taken, but it was already offline. It got blocked.

And to add to the fire, images were floating around of Bryant and Margaret looking too close for comfort. The online backlash was ugly.

sneered, “Nothing to say now?”

denied it. “I didn’t do this. Bryant, I’m not that stupid. Even if I were to spill the beans, it wouldn’t be

up online?” Bryant pressed, his gaze piercing. “Or

was when


wasn’t sure if

“It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not. We’re here now. Just get


he turned and walked away.

his retreating figure, my frustration boiling. “Fine, it doesn’t matter if you don’t cooperate.

world. Bryant was the one in a hurry

voice cold as ice,

reached for my phone to confront Gregory but realized I had forgotten I

and Teresa, eagerly waiting outside, ran to him with bright

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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