Chapter 221

It was the first time I’d encountered someone who seemed to have “money” as every other word out of their mouth, a real–life rich kid cliché

“Forget it, then. I ask around,” I said, turning on my heel and heading back inside.

Just as I got home, Christine emerged from one of the private rooms, her eyes slightly red. She’d been crying.

“Let’s go home,” she said.

“Did you get everything sorted out?”

I put Christine’s coat over her shoulders as she sniffled, her gaze clearing up. “Yeah. It’s none of m

marries for alliance.”

I admired her ability to let go so decisively

drive home, Christine was at the wheel. My phone

hesitation, he asked, “Jane, you were

didn’t deny it. “Yes, that was me. How did you

whether he

under wraps. Even Bryant had only asked about my shoes, and even then, he was unsure. Yet, Mark had figured

lightly over the phone, “Wonder why Bryant couldn’t guess it

bit,” I admitted.

too sure of how you feel about him,” Mark said, his voice gentle. “So, at most, he’d suspect something between you and me,

agreed. “You’re right.”

It seemed Bryant didn’t care about me. Who I was with


I clarified, not wanting to hide anything. Then, seizing the opportunity,

of internship. The Myers family wants to set up a branch in RiverCity, and she’s getting some hands–on experience.”

“As for Gregory, he’s the Ford family’s golden boy, the sole heir. He’s a

deeper, “So, the Myers and the Ford families…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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