Chapter 223

“Hey, don’t you try to scare me!” After Allen shouted those words, his eyes filled with fear. He bolted away before I could respond. “Fine, Chris, I’m a bit tied up now. Il call you back.” I hung up the phone on Christine and turned to face Leroy, acting as if he was invisible. “You were standing there and watching your dad hit your mom?”

Leroy shrugged. “What could I do? I’m not as strong as him, and he never listens to what I say!

I was furing with anger, at a loss for words.

Then, despite her pain, Cheryl spoke, ‘Leroy, could you step outside for a moment? I need to have a word with Jane Leroy nodded. “Sure.”

After Leroy left, I dragged a chair over to the bedside and sat down. “Are all your injuries taken care of? Did we miss anything?” “No. The injuries look worse than they are. The doctors and the security were there, so it didn’t get too bad.” Cheryl shook her head, seeming weaker than the last time I saw her, tears silently streaming down her face, “I want a divorce, but he won’t agree…”

I sighed. “Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out.”

Allen wasn’t like Bryant. Getting a divorce from him shouldn’t be as complicated.

But first, I had to ensure Cheryl’s safety, ensuring she wouldn’t get hurt again.

Cheryl looked at me, her eyes filled with guilt, as she clung to my hand, “I’m sorry, Jane, for all this trouble.”

“We’re family. Why talk like that?” I shook my head, then began peeling an apple for her. Seeing that she was getting sleepy, I prepared

to leave.

Cheryl called out as I reached the hospital room’s door, Jane…

on Cheryl’s face, I approached her again, asking

hand clenched into a fist on the blanket, tears flowing again. After a long moment, she

asked, “What

with my help and lifted the mattress, retrieving a small cloth

Though the string had slightly faded, the pendant itself was clearly of considerable value, not something you’d find in recent

put it around my neck carefully, “Jane,

to turn it down. “This is

“It’s yours.”

unsaid words, finally saying. Trust

asked, “Is this… from my parents?”

wouldn’t have easily acquired such

Cheryl put the pendant

of it as such.”

think of it as such? I

want to elaborate, “Okay, I’m tired.

the hospital with a heart filled with questions, I kept touching the pendant while driving. Strangely, it felt familiar as if it truly belonged to me. Even more so, I belatedly realized the rabbit on the pendant matched my zodiac sign. Yet, I had no recollection of ever seeing this pendant before.

Meanwhile, Bryant called.

my mind, I

“I heard there was puble

glanced at the traffic light, slowing down. “Bryant, can

before and the ongoing online turmoil, he might not

pen scratching paper in the background, his voles deep. What

few bodyguards

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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