Chapter 232

“When it rains, it pours. That was the first thing that popped into my head when I turned around and saw Gregory’s bright, handsome


Mark glanced at Gregory, too, a slight frown creasing his brow. “Mr. Ford, you live here?”

It was the same question I had. Given Gregory’s wealth, he could pick any mansion, so why would he stay in such a homey place? Gregory flashed an easy smile. Tagging along for school.”

‘Tagging along? Isn’t he supposed to be on the prowl for a young fiancée? And now he has a kid? Wealthy families are all too messy, secret children included.” I sighed secretly.

Mark chuckled, exchanged a few pleasantries, and wheeled in the luggage from the hallway into the house.

Seeing Mark was ready to keep helping, I quickly waved him off. “You don’t have to do this, Mark. Christine will be here soon. She’ll help me out. You can get back to your work now”

Mark had just returned to the Larson family. And with Violet stirring trouble, he must have got his hands full.

further, but still asked with concem, “So, how do you like the

smiled. “Couldn’t be better.”

I just needed to pick up

code on WhatsApp, and you can change it anytime.” His gaze was soft. Til head out then, but call me if

I saw Mark to the elevator and watched the doors close before returning to my

After wandering into his place and returning with a glass

shot him a look. “You know exactly why. Keep Dorothy in

Myers families, he and Dorothy were supposedly close.

Dorothy’s brother–in–law. It was hard not to see them as a

he clicked his tongue. “Don’t lump me in with family obligations, pushing those ties on me. I’m not

that coming. You

was so fake.

Their banter reminded me of the old days, like Bryant and Margaret.

suddenly smirked roguishly. “Are we still on for that thing you

frowned. “What thing?”

He pressed, “Forgot?”

hit me. It was back when I got caught spying in the Larson Mansion by him, and I had carelessly agreed to whatever

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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