Chapter 241

Gregory left the words, giving me a look. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go.”


He was tall with long legs, and his strides were wide. I struggled to keep up, hampered by the hem of my cocktail dress.

A forceful grip caught my wrist from behind as we were about to leave the hotel. “Jane!”

I stopped, tuming to face Bryant, his expression cold and forbidding. Calming my emotions, I asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

“What do you want, Mr. Ferguson?” Gregory turned, an eyebrow quirked in question.

Bryant’s eyes were filled with a stormy gloom. “Interfering in marital affairs now, Mr. Ford?”

“No interest in that. Gregory chuckled, “Just a friendly reminder, Mr. Ferguson, bigamy is against the law.”

comment, Bryant pulled me away without another

wait for you in

tightened, and he quickened his pace. He dragged me to a deserted area, slamming me against a wall. His eyes, deep and cold, suddenly flared with anger. “You’re close to

an outright

pain across my shoulder

more than a signature away from divorce. All I wanted was a clean break. I didn’t want to pry whether Bryant was with Margaret or Dorothy. And I certainly didn’t want him meddling

“It doesn’t

laughed. “What do you mean?”

softened, his forehead resting against mine. His voice, usually so deep and captivating, carried bittemess. “You seem

this man deeply for

smile on my lips. “Indeed, I’m not anymore.”

been jealous of his interactions with Margaret countless times before. But as he repeatedly favored and chose anyone but

that should have been mine? Was it their playful bickering? Or when he sent me to the ultrasound appointment alone for Margaret? Or the countless times he broke his promises? Or

was by someone else’s side, blaming and yelling at me. My carefully guarded affection faded more each time until it was all gone.

on my shoulder gradually slid down, ending with a simple assurance, “There’s nothing between Dorothy and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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