Chapter 254

The silence in the room was so profound that we could hear a pin drop.

Bryant’s eyes, fixed on me unblinkingly, tumultuous with emotions he couldn’t seem to dissolve. The indifferent demeanor he usually carried seemed to be faltering. The air grew thick and tight.

After what felt like an etemity, he finally rose slowly, meticulously folding a throw blanket before grabbing his coat from the armchair and draping it over his arm, his voice low, “Sorry for the intrusion last night. I should head out.”

I was fiddling with my fingers unconsciously before asking again, “The divorce papers?*

“We’ll talk about it later” Bryant avoided my gaze, his long lashes slightly lowered, masking his feelings. “You heard Kevin call. I need to rush back for a meeting.”

With those words, he didn’t give me a chance to respond, striding away with his long legs as if afraid I’d say something to make him stay.

I looked down at the floor, a bitter smile tugging at my lips as I faintly heard the elevator arrive outside. My phone suddenly rang, pulling me back to reality.

the day before yesterday? They just contacted me, saying the landlady is in

I remember.” I replied as I tossed my clothes into the washing machine, “Did you make

set. I’ll pick you up on

After hanging up, I changed clothes and applied light makeup before

Ms. Jackson, please hold on. The landlady will be here soon, Shall we wait

and I


surprise upon seeing me,

responded, trying to

we reached the office, the agent began his enthusiastic introduction, only for Susan to

a slap across

putting on airs but

of a conference room, her gaze sharp. “Can

was about more than just renting office space. Whether it was a blessing or a curse, it seemed unavoidable. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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