Chapter 256

That was such a grand gesture.

My gaze flicked to the check, spotting a number starting with five followed by a string of zeros.

I had never imagined a scenario straight out of a soap opera would play out in my life. No, it was even more dramatic than that.

In those stories, the male lead’s mother would show up with a check, telling the heroine to take a hike. What on earth was happening to


I couldn’t help but laugh. “So, you think you’ve got me cornered today?”

So, she was determined to remove me, a mere obstacle, for her precious daughter.

Susan’s eyes were cold as she looked at me. “What do you think?”

I picked up the check, and to her satisfaction, I tore it to shreds, letting the pieces fall to the ground as I calmly said, “I’m sorry to disappoint. I’m not taking threats or bribes!”

to lose feared nothing. The Myers family had their reputation to consider, but me?

don’t believe the Myers family can

at me, livid. “Don’t come crying when you regret

You two even share the same

I slapped it in front of Susan. “Acting like I’m broke? Take this and keep your daughter

reserved for the

“What was that about? You know

headed for the

was fuming, tempted to turn back and give Susan a piece of her mind, “Like mother, like daughter. They are

behind, overheard everything, her face turning crimson.

ably stayed

you ended up with trash like Dorothy Christine smirked. “Your daughter probably because she couldn’t handle the embarrassment of

away all these years

dagger. No one

steps toward us, hand raised as if to slap Christine, but Christine was

dodged gracefully. “Calm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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