Chapter 262

A few days ago, Susan asked me if I was a good match for Bryant. Then, nothing had happened yet, so I didn’t think much of it. Butt being aggressively questioned by Dorothy, accusing me of holding him back, I hesitated.

After all, Bryant has been injured several times recently, all because of me. The moment that question hit me, I wondered if everything would have been different if Bryant had married Dorothy.

The Myers family was wealthy and influential. Dorothy wouldn’t just avoid causing Bryant trouble. She could also significantly boost his endeavors. Their combined strengths could achieve more than I could ever imagine. But with me, it felt like I could hardly help him.

The sharp pain from hitting my lower back against the corner of the cabinet suddenly seemed trivial.

Facing Dorothy’s righteous indignation, I was speechless for the first time. Without a prestigious family background, I was a drag on Bryant, a calamity to him. I was the reason he spent hours in the emergency room. I was the reason he lay unconscious in the hospital for two days and a night.

In my silent moment, Bryant suddenly chuckled, his voice cold and detached, “Ms. Myers, you don’t love me, do you?”

do!” Dorothy’s neck stiffened as she insisted, “I do love you, and I won’t marry anyone but

Bryant pulled me closer, his thumb gently caressing the back of my hand. “Do you love me or the

filled with affection. “If I wasn’t the head of the Ferguson family, she would still be my

tore away the facade of dynastic marriages. I had

the point of such worthless love? I want to marry you, whether for

He’s single.” Bryant

You’re more suitable. Timothy is gone, and the Ferguson Group is in your hands. Your

Teresa’s face darkened. Teresa had worked hard to support Dorothy’s ascent, only to be dismissed outright, even mentioning

to hold back, Teresa interjected,

with what I said?” Dorothy frowned, looking down from her high horse. “You’re not seriously considering a stepmother

part at home. No need

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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