Chapter 265

As I was diligently scrubbing his back, completely focused on the task at hand, out of nowhere, he let out a soft sound, “Well…”

I paused my movements, utterly baffled, and tumed to look at him.

His eyes were soft, and his voice clear and untroubled as he said, “I admit, I’m the one with impure thoughts.”

I was about to say something when my gaze involuntarily drifted downwards, and I noticed he was visibly aroused.

My cheeks flamed with heat, and I threw the towel aside, “Do it yourself!

Jerk! Even in this state, he still had the energy for such thoughts.

Bryant’s injuries were severe, but the doctors at BlessedCare Medical Facility lived up to their reputation. Plus, the care he received in the hospital room was nothing short of excellent.

Within a week, the doctor announced he could be discharged.

He added, “Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Ferguson’s speedy recovery owes much to your devoted care. You truly are a model couple! No wonder the internet is filled with stories of Mr. Ferguson doting on his wife. With such a wonderful wife, it’s only right to cherish her.”

Bryant’s smile was one of complete satisfaction.

I found the latter comment rather ironic

I later heard that the doctor was promoted to Deputy Director that very day

just handed the packed clothes to Kevin, “Take these back to the Ferguson

clothes with a


Bryant spoke up first. “Let

towards my y car, “I

just when I thought he might insist on having

“Will do!”

to walk to my

at last!

days in the hospital, no matter how comfortable the

taking a shower, and filling my stomach, I

not even Christine’s visit could rouse

into my room to wake me


spoke with a hint of disdain, “If I didn’t know you’ve been caring for Bryant in

in my eyes, “Taking care of someone sick

relatively easy to care for, given his severe injuries and the continuous fever over several days, I often found myself waking up

teeth and have lunch. Then you can continue with your

she cursed, “That damn scoundrel, look what he’s

the table was a meticulously ordered takeout. And it was all my favorite dishes.

feel touched,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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