
Chapter 279

Barefoot, Christine dashed to the door, freezing momentarily upon opening it. “Mark, you… came to see Jane?”

“Yeah.” With a gentle smile, Mark stepped inside, glancing my way as he slipped off his shoes. “How are you feeling today? Still in pain?”

Seeing him again, even just after a night, made me feel strangely unworthy.

It was Mark who helped me out!

Noticing my daze, Mark chuckled, “Daydreaming?”

“No, not really.” I hastily shook my head, pulling myself back to the present to answer his earlier question. “Much better, not as painful as yesterday.”

“That’s good to hear.”

He placed a bag on the coffee table, “I swung by the pharmacy to pick up some scar treatment for you. Those injuries of yours are no joke, and even though they’re not on your face, we can’t be careless about them. We don’t want any scars.”

Feeling a mix of guilt and gratitude, I was more compliant than usual. “Yeah, I’ll use it when I change my dressings tonight.”


took off his white down jacket, explaining with a light laugh, “You should wait until the wounds

making a

about to close the door, our takeout arrived. She carried it into the kitchen. “Dinner’s on me tonight. You guys just sit back and relax.”

was the best choice in this

nor I

with a side glance, observed


was no denial.

else’s kindness for another’s had led me to fall for the wrong person. It was worth shedding

I might not have fallen for Bryant

moon, but I had never dared to see him as my beacon, to carelessly fall

cherished a fleeting crush, moving on after

some blessing from fate. You were already on the path to divorce, and now with his announcement of an engagement, you can start

suddenly cut him off, staring at his kind and gentle face, holding back yet unable to stop myself from asking, “You’ve always known I got

lightly, “What do you

back in college, it was you who helped

him earnestly, speaking softly, “Why…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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