
Chapter 283

I gazed out the car window, feeling a momentary surge of emotion, as if tears were about to pour down like rain. Yet, my face remained dry, my vision crystal clear

Just as I got back home, the realtor mndomly rang me up, telling me someone decided to buy the Riverview Estate property And they were willing to pay the full asking price without any haggling. They wanted me to meet the buyer to discuss and finalize the deal

On my way to Riverview Estate, I couldn’t help but think, if only this house had found a buyer just a bit sooner Janadream wouldn’t have needed the investment from RF Group. But, it was too late for that.

However, having a big company like RF Group as a backer wasn’t all bad,

Arriving at Riverview Estate, I was taken aback to see York Carlson standing next to the agent. “Mr. Carlson, it’s you… who’s interested in this property?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

seemed utterly unsurprised, completely at ease. “Ms.

buying my house in the afternoon. Seems like you’re really

Janedream’s prospects. It’s my top investment pick for Q4, he replied, half–jokingly.

the point. “So, you’re sure you want to buy this place?”

access chapters of novels early and in the

regret in his voice. “This house still looks brand new, and the

a gift from my ex–husband,” I responded freely and openly. “Keeping it

hair on the floor can be annoying. Let alone

an eyebrow “Ex-husband?

that,” I

was too complicated for just a simple answer,

are just necessary

a defense for men,

about to say he just made a mistake that

subject. “About the


I took one last peek at this house where I’d really put my all into decorating. It was time

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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