
Chapter 288

Seeing him approach, Dorothy quickly masked her usual sharp and spiteful demeanor with a forced calm, though a hint of her temper slipped through as she muttered under her breath, “Always looking out for everyone but your own.”

Susan lost a bit of her earlier firmness, simply asking, “Why’s that?”

“Well, I promised my grandma I’d get her a few custom outfits.”

Gregory couldn’t help but chuckle, Tm bringing Jane over this weekend to get her thoughts. If you’ve got her all riled up and she gives me the cold shoulder, how am I supposed to explain that to Grandma?”

At that, Dorothy’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief, “You’re taking her to meet Adah?!”

“And what’s it to you?” Gregory shot back, his patience clearly wearing thin.

of someone… like her?” “Considering what she’s put up with from you, I think she’d love Jane,” Gregory retorted,

Susan conceded, “Fine, well

“Much appreciated.”

tone was dismissive as he practically showed them out, his indifference enough to grind anyone’s

mother–daughter duo was out of earshot, I turned to

three dinners

casually pulled up a chair and slumped into it

skeptical, ‘Since when are

a man of profit, never

on, are you? You’re night, I’m here to propose

“And what’s that?”

make a few outfits for my grandma, and in

and owe you a

of the stick

relaxed pose, “Mrs. Ferguson, or rather, the former Mrs.

cut him off, “I

some reason, he always liked to address me formally, which felt

for the custom work, but, you know, those high society ladies in Vista Town love nothing more than to gather around and play

where you’re going with this

usually for the high–end folks, and the Ford family was the cream of the crop in Vista Town, a

wear something I designed would certainly open doors for me. Still, Leyed him warily. “What’s this favor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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