Nobody expected Ramona, with her seemingly kind and gentle eyes, to come
at Bryant with such a sharp retort. It took all I had to suppress my laughter.
But then again, I seemed to be the only one who could find humor in the
The air was thick with awkwardness. What made things awkward wasn’t
Ramona’s statement. It was that I, his ex-wife, happened to be right there.
I lowered my head, pretending to be engrossed in the view outside the
window, trying to make myself inconspicuous.
The snow outside, not yet melted, was blinding.

I felt a gaze fixed on me and then heard Bryant’s calm voice, “Yes, freshly
Ramona glanced at Dorothy, her tone cooling, “I heard you played a part in
“Grandma…” Dorothy frowned, shooting me a veiled glare before gracefully
sitting beside Ramona, gently shaking her arm. “Who’s been filling your head
with nonsense? Bryant’s marriage was over long before. It’s just that…”

eyed Dorothy coldly, “The day you announced your

She was secretly grinding her teeth, but her face was playing it cool, all
innocent-like. “They hadn’t finalized their divorce then, true, but if Bryant was
willing to divorce for me, doesn’t it mean he loves me more than…”
“Enough!” Ramona’s voice thundered, a flush of anger crossing her face,
“Who raised you to be so shameless? If you dare repeat that outside, you’re
no longer a Myers!”
Dorothy was stunned. Then, her gaze landed on me angrily. “Jane, did you
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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