Chapter 301

As soon as the words left my mouth, I grabbed my bag from the chair and turned to leave.

“Slut!” Dorothy’s voice seethed with rage behind me. I clenched my hand, pretending not to hear. My only thought was to get away.

But unexpectedly, as I walked through the estate, I went lost. I wasn’t sure how many turns I had taken when something caught my eye: It was a courtyard that felt strangely familiar. Though large and pristine, the yard had an air of neglect, as if it hadn’t seen life for ages.

Compelled by some unseen force, I stepped inside. The moment I did, the door behind me slammed shut. A tall figure pinned me against the door, his familiar scent enveloping me, leaving no escape. I looked up, shocked, into his deep eyes.

His distinct and long fingers gripped my waist as he looked at me with a tender, entwined gaze. “What brings you to the Myers Mansion?”

your own business!” I shot back, struggling to

okay these few days? Dorothy hasn’t been bothering you, has she?”

killed on her behalf, what could she possibly want with

creasing his brow. “You’ve

down to celebrate the divorce, welcoming

hectic, affecting my appetite and sleep, hence the weight loss. But admitting that felt too much like seeking pity, as if life had been unbearably hard

darkened, and his

and my words came out icy. “You’re the one who announced your engagement to someone else. You’re the one who told me to get the divorce papers. What more do you want from me? Am I supposed to sit at home, grieving and

His shoulders drooped, a subtle desolation surrounding him, “It’s me. I’m the one

with the nonsense. You couldn’t be faithful in our marriage. At least have the decency to

thought, ‘Don’t disturb my life anymore. I won’t deny that I still need

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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