Chapter 312

Brimming with the fearless vigor of youth, Molly left Christine and me wide–eyed in disbelief.

Snapping back to reality, worried about dragging her into trouble with Susan, I quickly pulled her behind me.

“Come at me if you want someone,” I declared.

Jane! However, Molly didn’t show a hint of fear. She turned to Susan, “Didn’t you say you didn’t want the dress? Let Dorothy stop trying it on and come out.”

“Hah!” Susan scoffed, her disdain palpable, “That’s rich coming from you, a mere employee. Does your boss agree with you? Do you have any idea how much this dress costs…”

“I can buy it!” Molly puffed up her cheeks, throwing out the words with bold defiance.

I pretended not to hear Molly’s boast.

Susan tumed a furious shade of blue. “Jane, you agree with this?”

“If you’re not happy with it, then yes. That’s an option.” I smiled lightly, speaking calmly.

teeth, glaring at Molly. “You think you can afford it? This

looked at Susan, genuinely puzzled. “Otherwise, why keep harping on about something

was livid, her hand raised to strike Molly’s face.

moved to intervene, but someone was quicker.

Susan’s arm, his gaze stern. “Susan, how did my little sister upset you? Tell

dropped as I looked between him and

she’s your sister? Don’t try to fool

his phone

instantly, revealing Adah’s face. “Humph, finally decided to

disagreement. Susan was about to hit…” “Adah!” Susan’s shoulders slumped as she clutched Gregory’s phone, quickly and


turned to Gregory. “What are you doing

do you think? You wanted a ride, and I’ve

Typical siblings.

to pick up from RiverCity University was

looked at Gregory, puzzled. “How come I’ve

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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