Chapter 315

I stepped aside to let him in, kicking off my shoes. I couldn’t help but blurt out, “Did you find something about my origins?–

He paused and chuckled. “How did you guess right away?”

“What’s up?” I was dying to know. Even though my parents had passed away years ago, it mattered a lot to me whether I was their chitzt.

He sat on the couch, handing me a file as he sighed. “It turns out Allen was just spinning tales. You can stop worrying about it. It would only make your folks sad, wherever they are.”

When hearing that, my anxious heart finally settled, and I began flipping through the files, like my birth certificate, medical records from throughout my life, blood type, and date of birth. Everything matched. With each detail I had confirmed, my heart settled a bit more.

I was utterly at ease then. There was no mistake. I was the child of my parents, and their love for me was always genuine. “Thanks, Mark.” I said gratefully, “Have you eaten yet? There’s food in the fridge. I could whip something up for you…”

“I’ve had a work dinner. That’s why I’m here so late,” Mark declined and playfully scolded, “But didn’t you promise not to be so formal with me?”

“Huh?” I was stunned.

promised not to be so distant, remember?”

It seemed like

need to apologize. Just take your time. Whether we’re just friends or whatever, I don’t want you

his words, and felt a sudden warmth at the affection in his gaze, quickly looking

didn’t push further. “It’s getting

got up. “Let me

are you with Gregory?” he asked as we headed to the foyer.



me a look. “I feel you’re

felt strangely defensive.

friend to someone like Gregory meant I was one of many, and

onto my bed, scrolling through Gregory’s social media until I found that photo of the bunny piggy bank from three years ago. He rarely posted, so it was easy to

piggy bank was by the pillow,

at the photo made me feel his fondness

I texted Gregory the next day

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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