Chapter 317

It just didn’t make sense.

Every stitch I made was even and tight, and I had the entire dress tailored to her body so perfectly that even if the strap broke, it would catch on her chest instead of falling off immediately. Unless the zipper at the back also gave way at the same time.

But that couldn’t be. The fabric and zipper were from suppliers I’d worked with since my days at the Ferguson Group. Quality was never a question. After all, I made the dress with my own hands.

Grabbing my coat, I rushed onstage to cover her up, but she slapped me across the face as if possessed! “Did you do this on purpose to humiliate me today?”

Without thinking, I slapped her back. “Dorothy, I’m not foolish enough to ruin my own reputation!”

Dorothy glared at me, lunging again, but Bryant, calm as ever, stepped in from nowhere, pulling her behind him and draping his jacket over her shoulders. What a perfect picture of a knight in shining armor.

two bodyguards, visibly shaking with anger.

Susan scoffed, “Mr. Ferguson, you’re not defending her today,

didn’t glance my way, his voice as cold as

Susan’s command, the

flanked by bodyguards who were just the tip of the iceberg. Lowering my gaze, too tired to resist, I said, “No need for force. I’ll

One guided me in the front, and the other watched from behind. Christine tried to reach me, but other bodyguards

and drove me to a mansion in an exclusive neighborhood, pushing me into a

here until Mrs. Myers decides

to close. Small, dark, enclosed spaces have terrified me since that incident at home.

Myers‘ order.

into darkness. My first instinct was to find my phone, but I left it in my purse at the hotel. I groped for the

a fruitless effort. The guard mocked from outside, “Don’t bother. The power’s cut in the storage.” Hopelessness washed over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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