Chapter 328

My head buzzed, and then I chuckled, “You’ve got your eye on my eyes, huh?”

A stand–in.

Whoever’s interested can do it. It’s just not my thing.

“Nah, it’s not that.”

He was still leaning against the door frame, casually saying, “Just a fake girlfriend. I can help you deal with Bryant.”

I understood immediately and looked at him, “And what’s in it for me?”

“No such thing as a free lunch” was his motto.

Sure enough, he looked at me appreciatively, “Smart. Come home with me for Christmas, help me deal with my folks.”

I kept my silence.

“You won’t be at a loss.”

Gregory smirked, confidently saying, “You alone can’t handle him.”

“He“, of course, was referring to Bryant.

I said nonchalantly, then closed

Ferguson Group had turned RiverCity’s social scene into a complete mess. Everyone was looking to grab whatever benefits they

Christine suddenly asked, “Hey, did anyone come looking to buy

I asked, puzzled.

percent on you?” she asked curiously, then added, “Although the buyout price is low now, it’s better than holding onto

came,” I

the shares to him, but never found

scene, I’d forgotten all

what was strange was, RF hadn’t inquired

I asked, “Did Bryant sell his own shares?”

“Long ago.”

her lips, “He got rid of them the fastest. Otherwise, as long as he was involved, the shareholders would have held onto

really believed that Bryant would just give up on the Ferguson Group.

by the Ferguson Group, getting closer to bankruptcy by the day.

CEO, York Carlson, officially stepped into the Ferguson Group, starting a major shakeup at the

my arm, “How about I talk to York for you? You might

my lips. “Okay.”

all, Bryant had sold his too.

realized, “You’re not planning to sell them

“I am.”

Bryant didn’t do me wrong; he actually left my

it wouldn’t be right to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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